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E-mu Sampler Comparison

Here you’ll find a comparison of Emax/Emulator/Emulator II transposition and filters (no filter comparison of the Emulator filter as it has no real filters).

First you can take a listen to the reference choir sample used for the comparison:
Reference Choir Sample

Here you can hear the Emax playing the choir sample back at different frequencies:
Emax Transposition

And the original Emulator playing back the sample:
Emulator Transposition

And finally you can hear the Emulator II playing it back at different frequencies:
Emulator II Transposition

And take a listen to the differences in the Emax and Emulator II filters:
Emax filter
Emulator II filter

If you’re not content with .mp3 files feel free to download this package of .wav files instead containing all samples in CD quality.
Full Package